2025-26 Tuition Rates
Please note that ISW has a “no fine print” policy. The tuition prices listed below represent the true price of an ISW education. There are no activity/technology/security fees in addition to the tuition prices listed below.
Tuition Option A:
$1000 deposit due upon admission; balance of tuition due 6/23/2025.
- K through 5th Grade: $11,000
- 6th through 8th Grade: $11,900
- 9th through 12th Grade: $12,600
Tuition Option B:
$1000 deposit due upon admission; half of tuition balance due 6/23/2025; second half of tuition balance due 12/9/2024.
- K through 5th Grade: $11,200
- 6th through 8th Grade: $12,100
- 9th through 12th Grade: $12,800
Please note that ISW makes every effort to keep tuition rates affordable. However, we do not offer financial aid.