ISW’s online program
ISW remains actively committed to delivering our exceptional curriculum, ensuring the emotional and social well-being of our students, and following our core values. Our faculty, families, and students have come together (apart) to make ISW Online a huge success!
Yes! The learning and admissions continue–virtually. However, our building is closed, by order of Governor Northam.
Yes. Our students are rounding out a year of excellent achievement. They are taking on new material with tremendous success.
For years, ISW has used the Google Suite, including Classroom, as well as iXL Math for our Middle and High School classes, so most of our teachers and students were quite familiar with the process of online learning. We quickly brought the elementary faculty up to speed, and we began offering classes online K12 on March 16—without missing a beat! Our parents have been incredible partners in this process—from setting up at-home classrooms to asking great questions and offering helpful suggestions.
Yes! Our students follow their regular schedules. Our Middle and High School students meet all their scheduled classes. We have made adjustments for our younger students, who require more adult supervision to complete assignments with working parents. Sometimes classes are held asynchronously (e.g., via video—that can be replayed at convenient times), but often a Google Meet is part of the process.
We are well aware that COVID-19 may be with us for the long haul, and we are already in conversation about the protocols needed to serve our students when they return to our classrooms. With the help of Dr. Bryan Kornreich, we will consult CDC and VA health guidelines to determine the way forward. We are also preparing our online model in the event that we face intermittent building closures next year.