Welcome back to our returning families, and a hearty welcome to our new families! Welcome back, teachers—Ms. Brigitte, Ms. Meghan–and a big welcome to our new teachers Ms. Diane, Ms. Becky, Ms. Rebecca.
This morning, we thank the many people who made our beautiful new building a reality. ISW families donated countless hours this summer to working on our facilities. We put in new flooring, painted (and painted and painted), unpacked boxes that seemed to multiply over night, moved furniture, organized and re-organized. Thank you especially to the Axelsons for the flooring in the LE and UE rooms. Thank you to Susan for painting the lobby by yourself! Thank you to our morning teachers who painted their own rooms, to Miss Vicki who painted the Commons, and to Bob who painted my office my very favorite color.
And many, many thanks to Sarah Garman and The Purple Fern for the extraordinary mural in Meghan’s room. Thank you to Dave Garcia for the beautiful hand-crafted tree branch hooks in the LE room. Thank you, too, to John and Brigitte, our auction hounds, who scored several key pieces of equipment, and to Miss Kay, who made our curtains and assisted Mary and the children with our tiny garden. Thank you to Miss Diane, who helped us find volunteers and a playground set. Thank you to Mr. John, who set up our computers and to Bob, who set up Moodle.
On the marketing side, we held two very successful open houses—owing much to the background work done by both Susan and Bob. Susan coordinated the creation of a new logo for a new chapter in the life of our little school—more about that logo in a bit. Susan also wrote and produced a new brochure which she distributed to anyone willing to display it. And Bob built us a beautiful new website—apparently a success judging by Google Analytics!
And finally, a special round of applause for our students—many of whom helped with very nearly everything. I especially want to thank my own children who put up with an entire summer spent making sure we were ready for opening day. Next summer will be better, I promise.
When we weren’t painting or creating marketing out of thin air, we were working on our curriculum and hiring fabulous new teachers. We were thrilled when the talented and energetic Diane Sheehey agreed to lead our Middle School program. And beginning this year, we welcome two Rebeccas—Rebecca Gibson, who will be teaching UE and MS Spanish and Rebecca Lloyd, who will be teaching MS science. The science committee (including Page Jones, Victoria Mercer, Kay Hallett, and Meghan Watterworth) worked very hard to choose our new science curriculum, and I can promise you students that you will really enjoy it.
So back to the logo. Why three leaves? ISW’s three leaves reflect our commitment to nature as well as the three divisions (elementary, middle and high school) that we are in the process of creating. In Chinese culture, three is considered a very lucky number because it sounds like the word for “birth.” How appropriate, as today is, in some ways, a third birth for ISW. In both American and Chinese cultures, we express love with three words—“I love you” and “Wo ai ni.” Three is also significant in science and math: three is a prime number, and we live on the third rock from the sun.
The three leaves, which symbolize ISW’s love of nature, are all from hardwoods—birch, maple, oak. Hardwoods are often best for building because, like ISW, they are durable, and they don’t dent easily.
According to ancient Celtic lore, birch is a pioneer tree—one which takes root and frequently revives landscapes where no other tree dares to grow. Birch is the symbol of growth, beginnings, and adaptability.
And the maple…the ancient Celts believed that maple trees are happy trees which mystically bring together all who gather under its branches. Maple is the symbol of balance, promise, and practicality.
And finally, we have the oak. The ancient Celts saw the oak as a cosmic storehouse of wisdom—all the knowledge of the universe. Oak is also the symbol of loyalty, longevity, and honor. Interestingly, it also tends to attract lightening.
Truthfully, I am not a big believer in numerology or in Ancient Celtic myths, but I do think it is inspiring to consider how the ancients thought about ISW’s symbols. As we start the year, I wish for ISW all the blessings of our logo: the spirit of pioneering from the birch; balance and peace from the maple; and wisdom, honor and longevity from the oak.
And now we turn to the forces of nature who brought us all together: our students. Students, you are the heart of our school. Thank you for your excitement, your inspiration and your trust. This school is, as always, our gift to one another. Welcome to the new school year.
First-day images courtesy of The Purple Fern
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