Middle School–from the students’ perspective!
ISW recently held Middle School Visiting Day. We invited our rising 6th graders to the Middle School Campus, and we treated them to a day of mini-classes, lunch, and a speaker. They also heard from our current Middle Schoolers, who wrote about their own experiences. As you can see from the following quotations, ISW’s students are our best advocates!
“The teachers and staff are loving, understanding, and are happy to help if you have any problems. The teachers make every student feel safe and comfortable when learning and make sure no one feels unchallenged while at school. Don’t be afraid of middle school!” –a 7th grader
“Personally I was so scared to go to middle school because of homework. I was scared I wasn’t going to get it done on time. I thought I would fail, but middle school is so amazing. If you are scared, don’t be. You know everyone in our class, and even if you don’t know some people, we have games at the beginning of the year. We do some games to get to know each other. Don’t worry, we are not mean and vicious. We won’t bite, just love. Also, you may not get to know some of us very well, but I promise you, you will get to know the best teacher on earth, and her name is Ms. Anne. In ways you can’t even imagine, she will make you more confident, if you are not already.” –a 6th grader
“Middle School will not be easy. I’ve already made some mistakes, although everyone is very supportive…Work becomes more challenging and more independent.” –a 6th grader
“I know I wasn’t confident, but look at me now. I came up here to talk about middle school, and Ms. Anne created a new [student]. She did not make me come up here and speak in front of all of you. I asked to come up here and speak, and I did that because I am confident (at least today). She will care for you so much and love you and give you hugs when you come in the door. She will welcome you to class every day.” –a 6th grader
“When you have great teachers like I have had, you go really far. All we have to do is keep our eyes, ears, mind, and heart open.” –a 6th grader