At ISW, we aspire to the best educational technology our world has to offer. We embrace technologies that lead us back to one another and that enhance our growth as human beings within a community. Educational technology should capitalize on what is best in the classroom. We introduce it with careful planning.

Our youngest students devote themselves to hands-on, nature-oriented, experiential learning. Students of this age need to move and explore the real world rather than the virtual world of screens. We very deliberately employ a “no screens” policy  in our elementary classrooms.  

Formal technology instruction begins in the 5th grade, where it is gradually integrated into the classroom. We work toward three goals beginning in 5th grade: technology literacy, technology fluency, and digital citizenship. Tomorrow’s adults need confidence using technology as a practical tool as well as wisdom about its place in modern life. We assist ISW students in developing both. For Middle and High School, our students bring their own laptops to school and use them daily. Students regularly use the full Google Suite, build their own websites, and create presentations using a wide variety of platforms. Our faculty is full engaged in exploring the possibilities as well as the pitfalls of emerging artificial intelligence technologies.